Information for DCP&P
St. Clare’s Homes for Children
Jersey City – Elizabeth – Neptune
This section is designed to help DCP&P Caseworkers and Supervisors match and place a child at St. Clare’s Homes.
St. Clare’s Homes are contracted with the NJ Division of Child Protection & Permanency (DCP&P) to provide transitional housing and comprehensive services to children with specialized medical needs. We are here to help you find an appropriate setting for special children in need of transitional housing and care. St. Clare’s Homes have been in continuous operation for 27 years and our services are provided in a loving homelike environment to the most vulnerable of children from birth to 18 years. We also specialize in working with biological, fostering, and adoptive parents to ensure permanency for each case.
Links to Resources to help DCP&P match a case with St. Clare’s Homes:
- List of Services Provided at St. Clare’s Homes & Common Diagnoses in Admitted Children
- Admissions Requirements
- Referral Form
- Respite Referral Form
- Limited Emergency Referrals can be accommodated by calling Debra Leib at (908)-966-3029
- Limited Availability for Older Children Ages 13-16