St. Clare’s Social Services
St. Clare’s Social Services provides people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) with core and supportive services. Because the provision of services and referrals to other quality programs is all too often not enough for clients and patients to realize long-term success in the community, ARFC focuses its work on building communities of support and resilient families that are equipped to succeed and be self-sufficient. Toward this goal, ARFC provides opportunities throughout the year for clients and their families to interact, share, and construct networks of peer support.
Comprehensive services include:
Through the St. Clare’s Social Services, families and individuals are invited to participate in a summer camp, annual family socials, workshops for personal development, and opportunities to receive clothing and household items. These opportunities are often not restricted to just the HIV-positive individual, but are open to their families and support networks. In this way, ARFC can help clients nurture the relationships that will encourage health and well-being in their communities.